
Change is an odd thing.

That's a simple statement I believe. The thing is, change is never the same from one person to the next, we all meet change in different ways and cope with it in different ways.

I am currently going through a period in my life of major change. I am just at the point in my life where things change and evolve and sadly whether I want to or not I cannot to anything to stop it happening. Some things are happening or about to happen that I've chosen to do or decided to change. I cannot wait. I'm starting a new chapter in my life in a place with new people and I'll finally be somewhere I belong.

The worst kind of change however is the one where you don't choose it or expect it.

This cute bear I have a picture of is called Fredrick or Fred to those close to him. I love him. I  bought him on a special trip with a special person and him being a Harrods bear held greater significance to a childhood dream. However a serious wave of change happened, making my relationship with this bear alter  more than I was expecting it to. The other person who this bear meant so much to decided it was time to change, it was time for them to move on without us. I can see that for them they made this decision with themself in mind, their wants, their ambitions and their fun. I appreciate that. That's the funny thing with decisions they cause great change to everyone around them and yet they are always selfish, whether you're making them yourself or if you are impacted by them.

I love Fred the bear. I always will because he was there for 2 great years, he is there for a lot of major memories and milestones in my life so far. However for the time being we need space. Space to heal, evaluate and find a better stronger sense of my own self and my own confidence; because sadly a bear hug can't mend a broken heart or a broken person.

I said I would be mixing up the posts on this blog, I felt like I needed this cleanse before I give you some brightly coloured summer reading. Trust me, I'm not a mopey moody person I'm usually quite jolly because everything in my life always comes up roses.

Thank you Fred and that special person, although I can't see it now you've made me who I am and for that a thanks is in order.

NV x


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