I'm Sorry? She's Vegan Now?

My favourite food is chicken. Plot Twist. I’m going vegan.

Well to be honest I’m having a trial run at being a vegan. I thought I’d try it for the next few weeks because I thought it would be some kind of fun challenge. The original plan was to go vegetarian for two weeks and then slowly progress into being a vegan but then I realised I really only eat chicken so it seemed like a bit of a boring change. Instead I thought I’d dive right in at the deep end.

This is the menu for a local vegan restaurant and this arguably could have kick started the idea in my head 

Whenever I’ve meet someone who’s a vegan I always want to know why they’ve chosen that lifestyle. I have realised I’m now going to need an answer to my own question that isn’t ‘just sounds fun doesn’t it!’ There are some pretty obvious reasons for why turning vegan is a good idea: it reduces animal abuse, it helps the environment, it’s better for your health. Clearly these were some of the driving force in the change but as much as I care about those elements they don’t really get me motivated.

I am a poor student.

I am a poor student who loves cooking.

That’s where I found a want at trying my hand at being a vegan. It’s meant to be a cheaper lifestyle choice in theory and you have to get creative when cooking which really appeals to me. I love vegetables but I do feel as if I’ve got myself in a bit of a rut with regards to the way in which I eat them and I just know that some of the recipes I’ve found will show me vegetables in a brand new light.

So yeah. I’m trying to be vegan for a few weeks as a fun sort of challenge for myself to get creative with my cooking.

Originally I was going to post this on Friday but I got carried away with making a vegan banana loaf (kid you not it’s amazing, better than sex hands down) So I’m currently 3 days into this challenge and loving it. I’m waiting for my Bolognese to cook at the moment so it seemed prime time to upload this little update. I’m going to record on this little blog what I cook and how it goes as a type of vegan experiment diary.

Before I finish cooking my dinner I thought I’d first share the biggest change in my life… Almond milk in my tea. It’s actually fine, it does make a much stronger brew of more of a fake tan consistency but the taste isn’t much different.

Sugar Tits From Barry Island 

That’s all I have to say I guess. Don’t forget everything is coming roses.

NV xx


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